Welcome to the page dedicated to issues and items of interest regarding
Del's Woods Park Park in Bear Valley.
April 2018
Phyllis Sebo is pursuing how to obtain a Conservation Easement for Del's Woods. BVCC will brainstorm fundraising possibilites to help with this project.
May 2016
Sign the Petition for the Municipality of Anchorage to accept Del's Woods as a Natural Resource Area.
Del's Woods is a 6.5 acre tract along King's Way Drive in Bear Valley, dedicated as a privately owned community park by owner Phyllis Seeba. Ms. Seeba wishes to donate the land to the Municpality of Anchorage to be established as a permanent public park in honor of her late husband, local veterinarian and Bear Valley resident, Del Seeba. The land is covered by a unique stand of large diameter old growth Hemlock trees. During his lifetime, Del Seeba tended these trees, cleared trails, and invited the community to enjoy and use the land.
The property has maintained trails, hand crafted benches, and natural open spaces with beautiful views. Parking is available at the trailhead in the adjacent cul-de-sac at Cinerama Circle.
Download/print the petition, sign and return it to:
Paul Flint
12901 Lupine Road
Anchorage, AK 99516