Name Description
2012 Sen Ellis Curbside Pickup Letter to SWS.pdf 10/31/12 Letter from Sen. Ellis to Solid Waste Services RE: curbside pick-up
2012 SWS Operations Parameters.pdf 11/27/12 MOA Solid Waste Services operating parameters for curbside pick-up.
2012 Midtown Traffic Congestion Relief 2013proj430561.pdf Midtown Congestion Relief (Seward Highway and 36th Avenue intersection) information April 2012
2012 Alcantar Resp to Sen Ellis.pdf 11/06/12 Response from Paul Alcantar, Solid Waste Service, to Sen Ellis' 10/31/12 Letter


Community Councils Center


Community Patrols


Chugiak Eagle River Advisory Board


Federation of Community Councils