Name Description
16Apr14 Information on Annual Helicopter Noise Meeting.pdf 4/14/16 Information on Annual Helicopter Noise Meeting
2016-RPCC Survey results.pdf RPCC Survey Results
16May RPCC- APD survey responses.pdf May 2016 RPCC Responses to the APD Survey
16May Information about ML&P Undergrounding Process in RPCC.pdf May 2016 Information Points from Jim Richardson's Meeting with ML&P Staff to Discuss Undergrounding of Utilities in Rogers Park
16Mar New Propagation Maps Attachment.pdf 3/3/16 "New Propagation Maps"
16Mar25 RPCC Letter to P&Z re GCI Comments.pdf 3/25/16 RPCC Letter to the Planning & Zoning Commission re GCI Comments
16Mar03 GCI response to Feb RPCC questions.pdf 3/3/16 Response from GCI about RPCC questions
16Jan18 RPCC followi-up questions for GCI_2-1-16 (2).pdf 2/8/16 Follow-up questions for GCI


Community Councils Center


Community Patrols


Chugiak Eagle River Advisory Board


Federation of Community Councils